I’m nearly certain that no maritime group or organization ever named “an excellence in shipmasting” award after the captain of the Titanic.
I don’t believe the airline industry will name an “excellence in piloting” award after the two Northwest Airlines pilots that dozed off and overshot their Minneapolis airport destination.
Even Wall Street - in its worst behavior - never named an administration award after Albert “Chainsaw” Dunlap.
But leave it to the National Association of Broadcasters to further humiliate the radio industry by naming an “excellence in broadcasting” award after Clear Channel co-founder and patriarch Lowry Mays.
The Clear Channel Foundation and one of its primary law firms, Wiley Rein, kicked in $125,000 to the dubious Broadcasters Foundation of America with that catch.
The ethically challenged Lowry Mays, in a prepared statement, said the foundation is about “helping others in the industry who have run upon difficult times.”
He could be speaking of the thousands of employees his company downsized over the past decade or he could even be referencing the ownership disaster his family conned private equity firms Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee into.
One in his position with a cleaner conscience would’ve donated the $125,000 minus the “name the award after me” strings attached covenant.
It’s true there was a time when Lowry Mays’ Clear Channel was a radio industry leader. Whatever moves they made, others followed.
But you’re no longer a leader if no one is following you.
Was anyone stunned by the sudden Chapter 7 liquidation of liberal network Air America? I’m surprised that it lasted as long as it did. It was to a radio network what Terry Schiavo was to life support.
Air America had the wind sucked out of its sails when it chose to be a network instead of a syndicator of talk programming. It was undercapitalized, overstaffed, and mismanaged.
Whatever the case, I won the bet by predicting that of the two artificially-alive radio entities Air America would go belly-up before HD Radio. Speaking of….how many HD Radio units were sold during the Christmas shopping season? Yes, you can include Zune sales.
You have to give props to Rush Limbaugh. Ratings stunts are the oldest trick in radio’s playbook - and Limbaugh parlayed his phony attempted heart attack as a perfect roll-up to the winter Arbitron.
Rush also deserves recognition for hanging on to his showboat crown. Rival Glenn Beck pulls off an appendix scare, Rush tops him with his ticker fib. One can only imagine the medical ills these gasbags will conjure up with for the spring book.
Then there’s Howard Stern. Will he stay or go? Those that know aren’t talking - but the sure bet is that wherever Howard goes Mel Karmazin will follow - or vice versa. Their fortunes, including agent Don Buchwald’s, have been intertwined for twenty-four years and what makes anyone think that’s about to change?
Is it even worth speculating about the next half-dozen or so radio groups about to file for bankruptcy protection?The Citadel bankruptcy is yesterday's news. Its CEO Farid Suleman is a kept man. Kept by the bankers who can’t figure out his bean counting schemes. How could anyone who made that much money for Mel fall so flatly on his face? Then again, did he actually do anything to make Mel money other than to provide an accurate bean count? When he was at CBS/Infinity was all the Farid hype just hype? ‘Fraid so.
Farid gave himself a nice Christmas present and stuck his investors with coal. He portrayed himself basking in the limelight as the radio industry’s new big time operator of the third largest broadcast chain.
Instead, he proved that he was pulling everyone else’s.
Rewarding failure stifles growth and innovation. It sends the message that wrong is the new right.
Until radio addresses that fact the bad news will continue to outweigh the good.
1 – 200 of 314 Newer› Newest»You can call Limbaugh's Hawaii episode a stunt if you wish, but remember that "stunt" included personnel from the Kahala hotel, EMT'S, and doctors & nurses from the Queens Medical Center--the best hospital in the state of Hawaii. Would they stand for being part of a "stunt"? I'm guessing not.
That's a lot of mouths to pay off if it was only a "stunt". If he was faking it, medical personnel would know and, in a heavily Democrat-leaning state like Hawaii (I think Republicans hold something like 10 out 80 seats in the legislature), lots of lips would be flapping about this famous patient.
Limbaugh and his money are not omnipotent everywhere. Yeah, he's a gasbag, but I tend to believe he had at least a medical scare, even though nothing came of it.
"Excellence in Broadcasting" award named after Lowry Mays of Clear Channel? It's a bit early for an April Fool's Day joke, isn't it?
I just read this and comment that followed. Anyone, especially a celebrity like Rush Limbaugh, is going to be admitted to a hospital if he claims to be having chest pains. Rush is an actor and one of the best. I believe he staged this just like he did with his ear operation which was used as a decoy to keep his first treatment for Oxy addiction under wraps. EvenRush admitted to a prior without giving a date if you remember. The only medical scare he gave was to his fans and followers who hang on his every word. Want to bet his ratings reverse course. They have been sliding in most markets.
"Whatever the case, I won the bet by predicting that of the two artificially-alive radio entities Air America would go belly-up before HD Radio. Speaking of….how many HD Radio units were sold during the Christmas shopping season? Yes, you can include Zune sales."
I think that the lying SOB claimed that HD Radio sales doubled from last year, and tossed in the automakers, the Insignia Portable, the Zune HD, and the Gigaware iPhone Adaptor in the total. Of course, he never broke down the exact sales numbers of each, or mentioned the sky-high return rates. We all know that each of these have been complete flops. Remember, his lie to the 2009 NAB Philly Show about selling millions of HD radios, especialy the Insignia, but said the exact opposite to Radio World that same week. Tough to keep all of those lies straight, and to whom. I'm glad you are back, John, we need your voice!
>> I believe he staged this just like he did with his ear operation <<
Thank God we live in America! Here we are free to believe in the tooth fairy and black helicopters, if we so choose.
John, what you said about Air America’s having made a mistake in trying to be a network instead of a syndicator was right on the money – but you used that Terry Schiavo reference a couple of paragraphs too early.
“HD” radio is the Terry Schiavo of technologies. And it won’t be on life support much longer, not with even more of the radio consolidator members of the “HD Radio Alliance” in financial trouble.
If the Balloon Boy's dad can exploit the police, air traffic system and CNN, then Rush can exploit the medical and emergency resources of Hawaii. (Who cares if some undeserving, underinsured, legitimately sick person needed those resources?) Maybe they wouldn't stand for being part of a "stunt," but they were taking the patient at his word, which they fail to do at their peril.
Rush's deafness apparently was/is legitimate. It also is believed by many in the medical profession that chronic use of the drugs in Oxycontin can lead to hearing loss. Rush probably didn't know that, and the docs treating his hearing loss probably didn't consider it at the time.
I thought Limbaugh's doctors did find some kind of heart anomaly but it wasn't serious.
I am old enough to remember when radio was respected. Their sales people knew their station and the format and could provide accurate data to help make a time buy. Today I get called on by novices who are biding time until a better job comes along. They cannot relate to the station they are selling and as you get to know them they are not fearful of telling you how messed up their companies are. This is what deregulation did to radio. I am all in favor of re-regulation and also holding stations accountable for their time buys.
Whether he wants to admit it or not Mel Karmazin plays both sides of the fence. He owns a piece of Howard with Buchwald. When Mel forced Howard on to CBS stations in all markets he was getting a piece of the action too. I am not sure how legal it is for Mel to have a separate company with Don Buchwald and Howard Stern but I have been told by our legal staff that technically it is not illegal just less than ethical if Mel doesn't come clean on that fact. That makes sense why wherever Mel goes, Howard follows or vice versa. The Sirius move made by Howard was right out "The Prince".
John, you left out the mess that is CBS Radio Cleveland. They finally, finally, finally fired Chris Maduri after the stink of family business reached New York. The results are so embarrassing for CBS (since the whole market knew about them) that Maduri may get off scott free despite the two books, unauthroized trades & all the other business that was run through CBS radio w/out cost. I found out that Cleveland Magazine is also doing their own investigation.
this may be too hot to handle even for embrescia who supplied the trade deal & the st clair address on the billing. there were rumors that maduri would go to work for the new venture w/mike mcvay and tom embrescia though now it seems that mcvay doesnt wasnt him involved. embrescia could lose some of his sainthood if this deal reaches the press. i hear it is the pd ¬ cleve magazine doing the investigation. i do hear that cbs will be down to 1 prod dir for all 4 stations & theres talk of 1 location for them as well.
When will the FCC investigate some of the low life CEOs and their companies. They are beset with everything from racial to age discrimination. They are negligent in paying severance to parting employees, pull Walmart stunts on overtime and extra duties and violate numerous laws and regulations. Obama, you want change. We need change. Get your team on this. Radio is taking great pleasure at screwing you over, too.
The Broadcsters Foundation of America is another one of those pseudo foundations that exist as an excuse to take care of "the boys". How much they actually help broadcasters in need is highly questionable. The principles pay themselves a handsome salary. I guess whatever is left over is used for some purpose. Maybe expensive dinners. There are many foundations that are worthwhile. the Broadcasters Foundation is not one of them. Don't believe it. Check it out for yourself. Another scam.
I think we as broadcasters are smart enough to know that if the usual cast of characters are supporting something it has to be as you put it - dubious. Case in point is the Broadcasters Foundation of America. Another shell created by the same old group that continues to churn the lies and deceit that have ruined the radio industry. Thank you for pointing this out. If i were to believe those 'same old' trades I would actually think this organization to be worthwhile. Why isn't the government investigating these "foundations"?
It's Citadel, not Cumulus, that is run by Farid Suleman and that filed for bankruptcy
Caught that too. Cumulus worked their deal so they won't go under until the end of 2010 when the Harvard University poster child runs out of scams.
I am sure Farid yanked Mel's chain a couple of times & that is why he was asked to leave CBS/Infinity.
How does radio expect their sales departments to be effective when the upper management runs the company like an aluminum siding company? There is no training, no support. Just get out and sell. Sell what? The same old shit just a different day? Radio needs a management overhaul. I dont think the medium is dead just those who are running it right now.
Leave it to Lowry Mays & family to pull a stunt with a so called broadcast foundation. Let us ask Lowry to release a list of those this broadcast foundation has helped. We don't need names, just qualifiable examples. No, I don't expect that to happen. "Broadcast excellence?" This is for the person who once claimed he was not in the broadcast business and only interested in selling time.
I hear the Chris Maduri already won the first annual Tom Embrescia Tradio Award for running tens of thousands dollars worth of trade on CBS radio in Cleveland without it ever showing up on the books. You thought Chris was paying for those parties at his Barrington estate? Holy Jehovah. Were you mistaken! We should meet for drinks at Lockeepers. Oh, sorry. That trade is only for Chris and his daughter Aerial.
I hear that HBO is gonna go. HBO - Howard's Boards Op. The only thing more pathetic than that is Brian and Joe actually believing they are WNCX's next morning show.
John, You were absolutely right about Air America. Had they been a syndicator they would have made money and would still be in business. Instead it was a comedy of errors. A lot of radio programmers but few radio managers put this together and it was funded all wrong. Syndication would have made this a success. I hear that you planned to be involved but two investors refused your entry. Is that true?
Jeezus...can you Cleveland guys keep it in your pants about Chris What's-His-Face? I've never even heard of the guy and now I feel like I've had 10 terrible Thanksgiving dinners at his house...all from reading this blog...which (last time I looked through the archives) has never mentioned his name.
We've all got our own "Little Hitlers" in every market across the country. Take a shot of Jack, fart in his general direction, and relax. And for god's sake, focus on the "Big Hitlers" that truly have put this industry in ruin.
When Gorman wants to write a blog about this guy and his spoiled brat kid, he will.
I thought Limbaugh's doctors did find some kind of heart anomaly but it wasn't serious.
Yeah, they discovered he actually had one and it was two sizes too small.
When will the FCC investigate some of the low life CEOs and their companies?
When the FCC commissioners finally let go of their ankles and pull up their pants and turn around and start bitch slapping these clowns back down where they belong and start yanking a few licenses like they should have been doing all along.
Per your facebook and U2 pop album -- Staring at the Sun was the most played song on Pop. However, If God Would Send his angels is the best. The video for Angels is amazing. So is the jam... but it makes the band to much of Gospel Rock to catch on.
Here are youtube links to both:
Staring at the Sun:
If God would send his angels:
I'm curious what you think might be the future of internet "radio" as wifi becomes standard in cars in the next 2-3yrs.
Might that produce the return of quality content? Also, it would be content that could be deliverd on demand, which is different than satellite.
If there is a return to quality musical content with jocks that do more than intro songs, is there a pool of talent to choose from? The older generation is aging, and the current & younger generations don't seem to hold much of that talent.
>> I'm curious what you think might be the future of internet "radio" as wifi becomes standard in cars in the next 2-3yrs.
Might that produce the return of quality content? Also, it would be content that could be deliverd on demand, which is different than satellite. <<
I'm not John, but I have had WiFi radio for a little over a year now. At first I was enthusiastic about the wide choices available from around the world, but that soon wore off as I realized that it's kind of like having only the high channels available on your cable TV. There's lots to choose from but not much that's any good. Also, I'm told that people are now trying to figure out ways to charge for either the access or the content, so it may not be free much longer. I don't think I'd want to pay for it unless it was some kind of value-added feature to something I would be willing to pay for.
Air Amerika was garbage. Not if only someone would pull the plug on MSDNC.
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.
Oh if only we had more local disc-jockeys, then it would be just like the old days. No Sat Radio, no i-Pods, no Computers or Internet Radio
"younger generations don't seem to hold much of that talent."
stop blaming the current generation for the failures of radio for the last 2 decades. plenty of talented young people would love to break in to broadcasting, but due to the way radio is produced and managed these days, there's not much opportunity and name a non-satellite venue that allows real creativity and a steady, livable paycheck.
Congrats! An entire month without a new post! Guess things have reverted to being wonderful in the world of radio!
Johnny!!! We hardly knew Ye!!!
Hello, John?
I keep checking...and nothing new posted?
Several radio companies going belly up...nothing to talk about?
disappointed long time reader.
Is there a reason to check this blog anymore? Did Gorman give it up? Is he sick? What's going on?
I think he might just me sick of radio! In looking at all radio-oriented blogs, there is less and less of substance every week. Cynically, John no longer needs this to hype his Buzzard book sales - you might be able to find a copy at your nearby Dollar Tree by now! And I'm not putting Gorman down - it's just the way it is in radio. As they are prone to say these days: "It is what it is!!" (And it ain't much!)
i really love your writing choice, very interesting,
don't give up and keep posting for the reason that it just simply very well worth to read it.
excited to look at alot more of your current content pieces, goodbye!
John is busy trying to bring back WMMS for the 100th time on 1073 right now. He is busy searching for Jeff/Flash, Kid Leo, Matt the Cat, Betty Korvan and TR to see if he bring back Jurassic Radio to Cleveland.
Jesus, John! It's been 2 months!!!
John - Were you abducted by aliens? Please phone home!
I emailed John about a week ago, and I think he is planning to post soon, again. I really do miss those HD Radio posts! He needs to call Boobles on that phony comScore report about consumer demand for HD Radio is cell phones. I really need to post his post!
Can't wait to read about the huge success 107.3 is thus far. Hard to believe the numbers are just above the Akron stations. What happened John? What's the problem? Management? Arbitron? Clear Channel? Couldn't be your fault, could it?
John, Don't pay attention to idiots like the one that posted on your site today. I was not aware that you were involved in 107.3. I just found the station by an accidental scan a few days ago. I was surprised by the interesting music diversity. I love the mixing of current and older music. I have Sirius and rarely listen to regular radio other than WCPN and WKSU. Now I cannot stop listening to 107.3 to hear what song comes up next. This beats anything on satellite. How long have you been on the air with this station? It has to be relatively new. I'm glad to see you involved in a Cleveland station again. No matter what that poster says I believe you will have a successful station. How are you involved in it?
Yes, why isn't the station already on top in the ratings? LOL!
The beauty of that comment is how perfectly it reflects the current, short-term thinking in radio today.
If all you've ever done is coast on the hard work of others, I suppose it's difficult to know the difference between something built and something bought.
Oh, what the hell! It's only been 3 months!!!
Is this blog now as dead as the radio industry?
Sure looks that way...
It looks about as dead as HD Radio - LOL!
HD Radio is actually growing. Slowly yes. But growing. This blog? Can't say the same.
HD Radio - Huge equipment costs, huge electric bills, huge license fees... For what? Mayby a handful of listners if you are lucky. Not very cost effective when you consider that the same money could have been spent on providing some quality programming on the "main" station.
ehhhh....maybe he said something in the blog that caused him to get his ass sued off and one of the settlement conditions is he's no longer allowed to say anything, maintain or do anything else with this blog.
HD Radio's doing better than this blog
Well shit the bed & call me mabel! It's been 6 months!!!
John - Are you still with us?
HD Radio is dead. Few stations are doing the FM-HD power increase, which won't help much, anyway. Sales are virtualy nonexisent. and return rates are bery high. Stuble is a con-artist. iBiquity needs to be investigated. Fuck the HD Radio cheerleaders - LOL!
John Gorman has left the building.....
I think he took a job with Clear Channel
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"Excellence in Broadcasting" award named after Lowry Mays of Clear Channel? It's a bit early for an April Fool's Day joke.
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Ah, one full year without ranting and raving. Just why is this still here? Better yet, just why did I come here to see if it WAS still here?
This is what Prozac does for you... No more ranting & raving!!!
John Gorman has gone into hiding since that disaster of a station V107.3 has been on the air.
Can't old shit like this be removed from the internet?
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